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Chakra Effortless Alignment Meditation Series

Your Chakras are the Foundation of your Energy System. They are the building blocks that your whole life rests upon. 

In just 10 minutes you can feel revitalised and re-energised by listening to these Chakra Balancing Meditations.

As a bonus I am including my Chakras Explained PDF to help you identify which of your Chakra’s is out of balance and practical tips to be more intentional about balancing your Energetic Foundations.

If you are:

  • Feeling a bit adrift, hard to get going, anxious and fearful – your base chakra needs some love
  • Feeling restless, self-medicating with food, lacking in creativity – your sacral chakra needs some love
  • Feeling out of control, your personal power taken away – your solar plexus chakra needs some love
  • Wobbly personal boundaries, holding people and love at arm’s length – your heart chakra needs some love
  • Feeling ignored, not listened to – your throat chakra needs some love
  • Feel adrift, alone, mistrusting of your intuition – your third eye chakra needs some love
  • Feeling human, disconnected from spiritual experiences  – your crown chakra needs some love


Just click on the button below to purchase the guide and 7 meditations for just £10.

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Balance and Alignment for only £10

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 Effortless Alignment (Chakras)
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